Shivam's sanctuary

Despite knowing the benefit of things i am unable to follow them

For the last few days, I've been contemplating a lot of things. I really want to change my life from scratch in a lot of areas. I want to feel healthier, stronger, and happier. The thing is, I know what I need to do to get to where I want to be and feel how I want to feel, but despite knowing the solutions and the benefits of doing them, I still procrastinate and have a hard time changing my routine.

For a week or so, I got up at 5:30 am, went for a run, exercised, took a shower, had a healthy breakfast, sat down for deep work, had lunch, worked again, went out to a park for a walk and watched the sunset, came back, watched a show or listened to music, spent time with friends and family, had dinner (and sometimes ice cream), planned tasks for the next day, and slept. And I'll be very honest: I felt so fucking good for the whole week. I was productive throughout the week and very focused. I didn't feel tired at all while working. I felt good health-wise; I felt nice, loose, and calm.

But then on Sunday, I failed to wake up at 5:30 am and slept until 8 am. I could feel the whole chain getting broken. This happened approximately three weeks ago, and I am still unable to get back on track.

I know my problems, and I know the solutions to them, but for some reason, I fail. I think I know a few reasons why I fail, and from this day onwards, I will make sure I win. Here are a few things that I'm going to do (if you have something to add, please let me know on Twitter or via email):

  1. Taking Baby Steps: What I mean is, if I get up at 7 am and want to be a person who wakes up at 5 am, I should first start waking up at 6 am. I know where I am and where I want to be, so I'm going to break it down into small pieces and try to conquer one piece at a time.
  2. Setting Realistic Goals: How small should a piece be? Depending on my capability and skills, I'm going to start setting realistic, achievable goals for myself.
  3. Establishing a Morning Routine: To get my mind and body into the rhythm of a "good" day, a proper morning routine is essential. I'm going to do what I did earlier: stretch, then run or exercise.
  4. Removing Distractions: Nothing to explain here, I guess.
  5. Tracking Progress: I didn't follow this earlier, but this time I'm going to set metrics for myself for different things and track them regularly. "What cannot be measured cannot be improved."
  6. Focusing More on My System and Less on the End Goal

#improvement #understanding_myself