Shivam's sanctuary

Patience - Key to happiness

With modern technology, we’ve gotten used to having things right away. We can order products with one click, stream entire seasons of shows, and get instant responses on social media. While these conveniences are great, they’ve also made us expect immediate results in many areas of life, which can impact our happiness.

I believe that tech has played a big role in shaping our desire for instant gratification. The convenience of getting things right in the now can make us expect the same speed in other parts of our lives too, like our careers or relationships. The pressure to achieve quickly is often reinforced by social media, where we see others’ successes and highlights, making us feel like we need to keep up.

Wanting things fast can cause problems

Why practice patience ?

Patience is a key to lasting happiness. It helps us approach life with calmness and resilience, knowing that good things take time. Patience allows us to persevere through challenges without losing heart, building stronger character and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

In personal growth, patience is essential. Whether it’s learning an instrument, advancing in a career, or nurturing a relationship, patience ensures that our efforts are genuine and sustained. It helps us appreciate the journey and not just the destination, leading to greater satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

What to do ?

Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to say that do not put efforts everyday or slow down your speed or progress. All I am saying is that be patient, when things don't show result when you want them to just wait for it, understand that good things actually do take some time. Patience is about more than just enduring delays; it’s about seeing them as opportunities for growth.
Do not let the sparkle of social media fool you anon, look beyond that. Stay hungry and keep at it until its the day to die.

#growth #mindset #patience